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Sweet marketing music

Tanner Montague came to town from Seattle having never owned his own music venue before. He’s a musician himself, so he has a pretty good sense of good music, but he also wandered into a crowded music scene filled with concert venues large and small.But the owner of Green Room thinks he found a void in the market. It’s lacking, he says, in places serving between 200 and 500 people, a sweet spot he thinks could be a draw for both some national acts not quite big enough yet for arena gigs and local acts looking for a launching pad.“I felt that size would do well in the city to offer more options,” he says. “My goal was to A, bring another option for national acts but then, B, have a great spot for local bands to start.”Right or wrong, something seems to be working, he says. He’s got a full calendar of concerts booked out several months. How did he, as a newcomer to the market in an industry filled with competition, get the attention of the local concertgoer?

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by Andrew Tellijohn
February - March 2010

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Use down time
to improve firm
by Beth Ewen

ONE OF THE TENETS of the quality movement is that every obstacle to providing a quality product or service presents an opportunity to improve. Every quality improvement, large or small, reduces waste, which lowers cost, time and resources, and improves both customer satisfaction and competitive standing.

The recession may be the biggest obstacle to business success in 80 years. It may also be this generation’s opportunity to look inside the enterprise, examine key processes, and implement improvement projects that make the delivery of goods and services as efficient and effective as possible. Consider the strategy of improving a company by reducing headcount in response to declining revenue.

What process improvement does a headcount reduction accomplish? 

A company does not improve the quality of a product by making the same product with fewer people. The quality of the product is improved by attacking all the causes of variation, which in the process lowers waste and cost.